Nadav Ariel was born in 1985 in Kfar Adumim, a small community in the east of Jerusalem.
He has completed his studies in photography at the Musrara Art School in 2013.
He has received an excellence award for his final project in social photography.
His work has been exhibited in several art festivals in Israel and abroad, including FOTOfusion exhibition in the Palm Beach Photographic Center, where he was presented with the 2014 Rising Star Award.
Nadav's work focuses on two central themes: the relationship between objectivity and subjectivity, between photographer and object. In his art he tries to investigate the question, does the photographer have a full control over the photograph, and can one exist independently from the other?
Contact Nadav Ariel-

Solo Exhibitions
2014 The Rising Star | FOTOfusion Festival 2014 | Palm Beach, Miami | Curator: Fatima NeJame
2012 “Luz” | The Warehouse Pub Gallery | Jerusalem | Curator: Amit Hevroni
2011 “Following Him” | Shaon Choref (Winter Noise) Festival | Jerusalem
Selected Group Exhibitions
2017 “For Not Having Made Me a Woman” | Musrara Gallery | Curator: Itzik Harush
2016 “Photo Fairs - Shanghai 2016” | Presented by Noga Art Gallery
2015 “Nylon Festival” | Young Artist Exhibition | The David Tower Museum | Curator: Hadas Glezer
“Fresh Paint Festival #7” | Greenhouse Artists Exhibition | Curators: Raz Shapira-Fainburg & Yifat Gurion
“Manual Project” | The Cube Gallery | Curators: Noa Bechner & Ella Cohen-Vansover
2014 “The Promising Photographers of 2014” | The International Photography Festival 2014 | Israel
“Light in the Dark Room” | Musrara Mix Festival | Jerusalem | Curator: Ayelet Hashachar Cohen
2013 Fotopoetica 3 | “The Wilderness My Brother Wanders” | Manofim Art Festival | Musrara | Jerusalem | Curator: Eyal Ben Dov
Musrara Final Exhibition | The Social Gallery | Musrara | Jerusalem | Mentor: Ram Bracha| Curator: Ayelet Hashachar Cohen
Calcalist’s 30 Most Promising Young Artists Competition | Tel Aviv |
Kaneh LaVeshet | Third Year Students’ Exhibition | Musrara | Jerusalem | Curator: David Daniel
2012 Doing to American Apparel What the Baroque Has Done to the Renaissance | Shaon Choref (Winter Noise) Festival | Jerusalem
Curators: Yaniv Yor & Shlomit Yaacov
“Secret Project” | Musrara Mix Festival | Musrara | Jerusalem | Curator: Keren Rosenberg
Work Experience
2011-2017 Founder and owner of photography studio “Different View Photography”
2012-2013 Founder and member of HaMabul Photography Group (The Flood)
2012-2013 Assistant Photographer for Guy Kushi and Yariv Fein in fashion shoot for FOX
2009-2013 Co-founder and member of Kama Sukar (How Much Sugar?), an artistic group
aiming to influence and change social attitudes in public domain
2011-2013 Assistant Photographer in Eyal Landesman and Eldad Rafaeli Photography Studio